Roles, Root, and Rebuilds

December 02, 2022

It has been an electrifying year for Charlemagne with both incredible user growth and a major refresh for every single aspect of the user and server administration experience. Charlemagne now assists over 123,000 Discord servers, has nearly 1,500,000 registered guardians, over 2,000,000 tracked clans, and tracks over 58,000,000 Destiny 2 profiles. Discord commands have not only been rewritten as slash commands but have also been updated. All server administration is now on web control panels (here), !lfg is now /event and has already helped schedule more than 150,000 events, Warmind Autonick and Autoroles have been completely rebuilt from the ground up, and we have some news to share about the future of server and user settings. 

Warmind Autoroles is one of Charlemagne’s most loved features and as of now, Charlemagne manages over 50,000 roles across 5,000 Discord servers. These automated roles help clans run more smoothly and help recognize some of the best and most engaged guardians. Users have shared with us that it feels like magic when they finish an activity in Destiny and then almost instantly see a new role assigned based on what they accomplished while playing. The most common use for autorole assignments help track the strongest of raiders as they meet each servers’ custom raid requirements and at the same time reveal which guardians are looking for their first clear. A number of creative servers have built their own “Lighthouse” channel as clanmates go flawless each week, they gain access to the autorole gated channel. Clan leaders have turned to relying on these automated roles to manage their clan alliances across their many clans. And that’s just the tip of the glaive.

As we rewrote Warmind Autoroles we wanted to remove the limitations that prevented server administrators from customizing their servers exactly the way they wanted to. In order to achieve that, we united all the different role rules and now any role can contain any combination of role requirements, including GAME levels. This can be used to create registered-only roles, clan-only roles, etc. We have improved retroactive support and removed caching so you can see server setting changes faster. We have added the ability to assign roles to guardians not in your designated clans and added full gilded seal support. Comparisons now support less than (<) and greater than (>) in addition to their equal (<=, >=) counterparts for more fine tuned control over hierarchies (linked roles). Hierarchies are now as easy to create as dragging and dropping the rules on the web control panel.

To make this all happen isn’t a walk in Tower. Warmind Autoroles is one of the most expensive and advanced systems we have, both in terms of the development and maintenance time, as well as the hosting costs. Charlemagne checks for new role qualifications over 3,000 times every second – any less and this wouldn’t be even close to real time and wouldn’t be nearly as magical. 

Charlemagne’s hosting costs are already quite expensive. Unlike browser-based apps, all of the warmind magic to make this happen is done on our servers. That makes for some pretty large server needs with extensive memory and storage requirements. As our userbase and functionality has grown, so has that cost. Unfortunately, our donations have not kept up with that cost and that has forced us to look at either cutting functionality, adding advertisements, or locking some functionality behind donations. 

That was a tough choice for us, and we discussed extensively about how to best handle this. In the end, we hate ads and everything that comes with them. We tried that for a while and prefer to never go down that road again. But, we don’t want to stop adding functionality, either. We also didn’t want to completely lock awesome features like Warmind Autoroles behind a paywall. We think we found the best possible solution for the future of Charlemagne and her users. 

Today we are introducing Supercharged Servers. If you are a patron donating $10/month or more (Uncommon tier+) then you get to Supercharge any one server. Each server that has been Supercharged gets enhanced functionality. If your server is Supercharged, you will have unlimited Warmind Autoroles. If your server is not Supercharged, then you can use up to 5 AutoRoles. Supercharging will give you more than just unlimited roles, it will also provide Priority Notifications which means no longer waiting hours for reset or vendor information as Charlemagne posts across all her discord servers. Supercharged servers will allow us to develop even more intensive and magical features. For those patrons at the $25/month and higher (Rare tier+), you will be able to Supercharge one server alongside an additional server that will have access to all active beta features,commands, and supercharged functionality.

We didn’t want to leave our loyal and long standing guardians lost in the Hellmouth, so we have decided on a grandfathering policy for all legacy Warmind AutoRoles. Any role you had setup before September 1st, 2022 will remain a free and fully functional Legacy AutoRole rule, even if you had 200 or more of those AutoRole rules set up. These legacy rules can be freely disabled and enabled with no impact on total autorole limits. Servers will only need to be supercharged to exceed 5 new AutoRoles. Your legacy rules can stay for as long as you like them.

After you sign up on Patreon, if you have a discord account properly linked, you can proceed to your user settings page here and select which server(s) you wish to Supercharge. You can also enable Postmaster alerts, as well as toggle a number of other user specific settings. Please DM Charlemagne on Patreon if your discord account is not linked. If you are having trouble, there are also helpful guardians in her support server here.

We will continue to make all of the free functionality better, both in terms of updating commands, adding new commands, and increasing stability and performance. Charlemagne has also become considerably faster and more reliable over the past year. Everything runs on a tier one cloud provider, we have complete backups, and every aspect of Charlemagne is faster and more efficient. In fact, most commands now complete under a second and no longer depend on the Bungie API, which can be very slow during peak periods for Destiny. Everyone benefits from these improvements.

Thank you to everyone who uses and supports the warmind, Charlemagne. We have spent the last year on a massive rewrite both so we can handle our massive user base and because of the huge forced changes Discord made to the way Discord applications work. We are grateful for Charlemagne’s amazing user base and excited for the opportunity to continue providing new functionality, new commands, and supercharging more servers with Charlemagne.

~root (Tor Kallon and Water)