September 09, 2022
/ada - Ada's current mods
/analytics - global analytics
/clan - clan activities and info
/checklist - missing checklist items
/countdown - time remaining until key events and unlocks
/cryptarch - Master Rahool's current exchange rates
/daily - daily rotations
/dance - dance Guardian, dance!
/dares - various stats for Dares of Eternity
/donate - help ensure Charlemagne's survival
/dungeons - stats for dungeons
/event - Create and manage planned events (replaced !lfg
/eververse - Tess Everis' current merchandise
/game - Warmind Reputation and Rank (has to be enabled by server admins)
/gunsmith - Banshee-44's current mods
/ib - Iron Banner stats
/last - stats for your last activity
/meta - most used weapons for D2 activities
/pvp - crucible stats
/raids - stats for D2 raids
/rank - leaderboards
/register - walks you through the registration process
/scan - hidden gems of information
/scry - current activity, map or last login
/seals - summary of seals and seals awarded
/status - Charlemagne's current status
/time - time spent in D2
/trials - stats for Trials of Osiris
/user - user settings and preferences (Premium Feature)
/weapons - your most used weapons
/weekly - weekly rotations
/xur - Xur's current wares and arrival
/xgerhard - Xgerhard's Destiny Commands